Let Me Help You Overshoot Your Goals in the Right Ways.

Non-formal education is an inspirational experience.

What I Do

I Coach.

Everyone needs a coach.

I Train.

Every training needs a trainer.

I Counsel.

Every organization needs a counselor.

My Organizations

If you need a partner organization we are ready


İmece Network Eğitim ve Kültür Derneği


Imece Network CIC


After a training course in Denmark about  Human rights I found this note on the way back home in my envelope. Last day wishes.

Unknown Participant 🙂

My Story

I’m graduated from Bogazici University Computer Programming in 2000 and Anadolu University Business Administration Distance Learning Program in 2007. I worked as a technician, graphics designer and educator. Just after trying the  advertising sector, i decided to become a youth trainer. Meanwhile i grew up and became 43. I know English very well and my Russian is B1 level. I’m the founder of Imece Network.

I am a learning addict..